[Alsfastball] Junior Men coverage on CFTO tonight

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Aug 5 12:47:27 EDT 2004

From: "Lisette Johnson-Stapley" <lstapley at softball.ca>
Subject: Junior Men coverage on CFTO tonight
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 12:30:21 -0400

We wanted to let you know that CFTO will be showing highlights tonight 
between 6-7pm of the Jr. Men's Canadian Championships being held in 
Scarborough, Ontario this week from Aug. 2-8th.

CFTO will also be around on Saturday and Sunday.



Lisette Johnson Stapley
Directrice du Marketing & Communications Director
Softball Canada
2197 Promenade Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON  K1H 7X3
Tel. (613) 523-3386 ext. 3105
Fax/Telec. (613) 523-5761
<mailto:lstapley at softball.ca>lstapley at softball.ca *** www.softball.ca

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