[Alsfastball] Exhibition - Ballerup Vandals - Eau Claire, WI

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Aug 13 08:58:35 EDT 2004

To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 21:25:49 -0500
Subject: Exhibition - Ballerup Vandals - Eau Claire, WI
From: WILLIAM B SEIPEL <wbseipel at juno.com>

Eau Claire, WI

The Ballerup Vandals from Copenhagen, Denmark were in Eau Claire on 
Wednesday August 11th for a doubleheader with the top two teams in the Eau 
Claire Fastpitch league. Ballerup took game 1 with a 3-2 victory over 
Tailgates(Eau Claire) and game 2 with a nailbiting 9-0 defeat of Happy 
Hollow(Eau Claire).

Jasper Panduro was victorious on the hill in game 1 and Thomas Bonde 
pitched the victory in game 2. "On a side note, without seeing Jasper 
Panduro pitch in game 1, Thomas Bonde deserves some very serious kudos for 
his pitching performance against Happy Hollow....18K's and giving up 1 hit 
to a team that had 5 hits and scored off Todd Martin and Farm Tavern in the 
Eau Claire Classic earlier this year. This guy will give some teams at the 
ISC's some trouble in the next week".

The Happy Hollow pitching staff of Tim Kurtzhals, Steve Manson, and Todd 
Verwers pitched very well against the Vandals and deserve more credit than 
they probably got. These 3 only gave up ONE earned run of the 9 scored 
against us and only 7 hits. Happy Hollow threw the ball around quite a bit 
with a staggering 7 errors. It was however, a nice warm up for us before we 
head to Fargo for the ISC II Tournament of Champions which starts at noon 
on August 15th.

Many thanks go out to the Vandals for coming to Eau Claire. Sorry the 
weather couldn't have been better(Light rain & 50+ degrees was the high for 
the day - normally 80+) Hope you guys had a good time at the Happy Hollow 
Tavern on Tuesday...I know they enjoyed having you.

Game 1 R H E
Ballerup 3 3 4
Tailgates 2 2 2
WP - Jasper Panduro
LP - Curt Harings

Game 2 R H E
Happy Hollow 0 1 7
Ballerup 9 7 2
WP - Thomas Bonde
LP - Tim Kurtzhals

Good Luck Everyone in Fargo!!!

Bill Seipel
GM - Happy Hollow Fastpitch

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