[Alsfastball] ISCII Broadcast - first game at 2pm CST

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 15 12:18:35 EDT 2004

8/15/04 2:11:39 PM 
From:  jim at fastpitchwest.com 
To:  fastball at pmihrm.com  
Subject:  ISCII Broadcast - first game at 2pm CST  

The first broadcast of the ISC II is set to go at 2pm. Sportjuice
is having
trouble picking up the signal, so if you have tried to listen,
bear with us, we
are working on it. We are recording the broadcast as we go, so
if all else
fails, we will post the broadcast later today.

ISC II Broadcast crew


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