[Alsfastball] 2004 PeeWee OASA "A" results

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 15 19:47:38 EDT 2004

Received: 8/15/04 9:02:09 PM 
From:  "Marianne McKerlie" <marianne at mail.mckerlie.ca> 
Add to People Section  
Subject:  2004 PeeWee OASA "A" results  

The PeeWee OASA "A" division tournament was held in Waterloo
on the
weekend of August 14 & 15.

The winner of the gold medal was Napanee, after going undefeated.

The Napanee team defeated Cobourg in the final game by mercying
in the fifth inning.

The silver going to Cobourg after they defeated Walkerton. Walkerton
earning the bronze medals after defeating Oshawa.

I don't have the scoreboard showing the results of all the games.
assume Buck Harleib still has the results since he was in charge
updating the scoreboard.

If you require all the game scores, please let me know and I
will see
if I can get this information for you.

Marianne McKerlie
Waterloo Minor Fastball Assoc.
marianne at mail.mckerlie.ca

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