[Alsfastball] ISC II update - Fargo ND

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Aug 18 08:54:18 EDT 2004

ISC II Tournament of Champions

With our apologies, stats for Game 52 are not up yet on

There were some problems with the stats and the game is being re scored and 
uploaded to us this morning.

All other stats for games played are up on the site and we hope to continue 
to add them to the site as games progress through the remainder of the 

We had a delay in getting the last 8 games last night - Games 52-59 due to 
some technical problems at the park.

We hope those are resolved today.

Thanks for your patience.


Als Fastball List
*Email: <mailto:fastball at pmihrm.com>fastball at pmihrm.com
Website: http://www.alsfastball.com/
http://www.ISCfastball.com/ - August 13-21 - Fargo, ND
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