[Alsfastball] FedLock Shuts It Down - by Ken Coles

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 23 10:51:05 EDT 2004

From: "Coles, Kenneth" <Kenneth.Coles at ssa.gov>
To: "'Al Doran'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: RE: FedLock Shuts It Down
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 08:41:06 -0400

To my first and foremost...friend, Mike Groves - I sincerely thank you for 
all your hard work, dedication, devotion, commitment, enthusiasm, 
allegiance and loyalty you've showed us over the years.  There's only one 
reason I've played the game for as long and with one team for as long as I 
have, and that lone reason is Mike Grove.  Your word meant everything to 
you and it never ever wavered in the many years that I been under your 
leadership.  Thanks somehow just doesn't say enough sometimes especially 
when it comes to you.  If it had not been for Mike no one would have given 
me the opportunities to travel and play major ball, A ball or even C ball 
for that matter.  Over the years Mike has been the one who believed in me 
more than I believed in myself at times.  There have been times that I've 
been mesmerized and just simply overwhelmed by the talent in major ball and 
Mike would say to me you're just as good.  He taught me how important and 
far a positive comment can go.  He not only afforded me the opportunity to 
play major ball, but he afforded me the opportunity to meet and play this 
game with major people.   To Steve Stires, Steve Sell, Tony Kahan, Billy 
Weise, Joe Coco, Jeremy Spear, D-Unit, Big Urq, C-Mart, Cookie, Mr. Darren 
Davies, Larry Peck and Paul Walford 3 of the classiest guys I've ever met, 
Dave "Lion King" Gollan, The DR...need I say more, Terry Downs, Tim 
Macumber, Pat "PG" Graham, Ryan "Rhino" Thompson, Franky Foregrave, Franky 
Perez, Ace and Boog Sauer, Steve Spalt, Yasu, Toji, Doug Sleep, Nick 
Kimball, Lyle and Kevin Brown, Juan and Carabillo, Davey Stokes, Dan 
Winnick, Criag Schwartz, Todd Winkworth, Jody Hennigar, Dan Looney, etc.  I 
say thanks for making softball the fun and competitive game it was meant to 

Kenneth Coles
mailto:Kenneth.Coles at ssa.gov

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