[Alsfastball] TidBits - special edition out of Fargo - The Super List

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 23 11:57:01 EDT 2004

Interesting to see that Michael Milt assumed that Broken Bow would remain 
intact. Word at the tourney over the weekend was that Jarrad Martin would 
be considered a pitcher and would not be eligible to come back to the 
Bow.  There are many like him, they pitch or have pitched in New Zealand or 
elsewhere but have no intention of pitching at the ISC's.

A lot of controversy as many players wanted to know just who would be 
considered a pitcher?

Maybe an idea would be to ask the players to declare exactly what position 
they want to be listed. Martin could state that he is an infielder and 
would not be eligible to pitch.

Anyway, lots of controversy and rumors coming out of Fargo.

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