[Alsfastball] ISC Players to Develop a "Super Pitchers" List - by Dean Holoien

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 23 18:26:20 EDT 2004

Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 12:42:11 -0600
From: Dean Holoien <holer27 at sasktel.net>
Subject: ISC Players to Develop a "Super Pitchers" List

First of all, I want to thank the ISC once again, for another successful 
tournament, and congrats to Broken Bow for winning it. Now, that said, I 
want to move on to the topic at hand, the "Super Pitchers List". I don't 
usually say much in your forum Al, but at the risk of showing people how 
illiterate I am, I feel that something must be said. I think the "List" is 
a good idea, however, I do think it comes with a few flaws.

The biggest problem, I feel, is not allowing a pitcher on that list to 
become a regular player. Take for example, Jarred Martin, Kris Kiefel, 
Robbie O'Brien, Trevor Ethier, Carl Golan, Quinton Matzner, Chad Boom, Dewy 
Dyke, Todd Martin, or any of the other "hitter/pitchers" on that list. That 
is 8.5 "hitters/pitchers" that I thought of in a matter of seconds. There 
are many more. Once teams have chosen their final rosters for the 2005 ISC, 
they will be limited to two pitchers from that list. That makes sense to 
me, but not allowing someone off that list to become strictly a position 
player makes no sense whatsoever. If a players decides he wants to play 
with his team as a position player, he should be given that option. The way 
the rule stands right now, it hurts the player. In Jarred Martin's case, he 
has not thrown in the ISC for the past several years. With this rule, you 
are forcing him to pitch again. You are forcing all the pitcher/hitters to 
throw. Its either that, or the team goes with one pitcher from the list. I 
for one, do not agree, and every ball player I spoke with at the ISC's had 
the same opinion.

Another problem, how do you rank these "Super Pitchers"? Is a retired 
pitcher still considered on that list? Is a guy like Piechnik going to be 
on the list? I know he never played A Ball this year, but wouldn't he be a 
nice addition to a roster?

Another problem. What about a team like Victoria? They have the possibility 
of having 6 in area pitchers on that list. They have pick 2 of the 6 
pitchers; now the other 4 pitchers have to look for other places to play? 
Who is that hurting?

I don't pretend to have the answers to these questions, but I think the 
committee who is in charge of making such decisions, should revisit some of 
these topics and see if they can come up with some better solutions. I am 
confident that the ISC will make the right choices after hearing from the 
players on these issues. I look forward to hearing feedback from other 
players out there.


Dean Holoien
  mailto:holer27 at sasktel.net

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