[Alsfastball] ISC 2004 - Some World Tournament Facts

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Aug 26 00:09:38 EDT 2004

From: "Gary Baughman" <iscstat at hotmail.com>
To: aldoran at pmihrm.com
Subject: Some World Tournament Facts
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 23:46:49 +0000

    * Just some interesting facts from the World Tournament that might be 
of interest to fans.
    * Innings  Dia 1    Dia. 2
    *      5      15          7    =22
    *      6       5           2    =  7
    *      7     34         37    =71
    *      8       1           1    = 2

Shutouts       28          19    = 47

              Run differential  Dia. 1   Dia. 2
    * 1-run games          6        12  = 18
    * 2-run                    7        10  = 17
    * 3-run                    5          7  = 12
    * 4-run                    6          3  =   9
    * 5-run                    6          3  =   9
    * 6-run                    4          3  =   7
    * 7-run                    9          5  = 14
    * 8-run                    5          1  =   6
    * 9-run                    1          0  =   1
    * 10-run                  1          0   =  1
    * 11-run                  4          0   =  4
    * 12-run                  0          1   =  1
    * 14-run                  1          1   =  2
    * 15-run                  1          0   =  1

    * At-Bats               4968
    * Runs Scored          704
    * Hits                    1157
    * Doubles                175
    * Triples                    39
    * Home Runs            159
    * Runns Batted In     627
    * Base on Balls          464
    * Hit by Pitch             56
    * Average                .233
    * Slugging Pct          .380
    * On Base PCT         .304

    * Innings Pitched        1301
    * Hits Allowed            1157
    * Runs Allowed            704
    * Earned Runs             627
    * Base on Balls             464
    * Strikeouts               1644
    * Wild Pitches              134
    * Earned Run Average  3.21

    * Total Fielding Chances     5517
    * Put outs                       3903
    * Assists                          1403
    * Errors                             211
    * Fielding Pct.                    .962
    * Stolen Base Attempts      107
    * Caught Stealing                38
    * Stolen Base Pct.              .738
    * Passed Balls                      78
    * Catcher Interfearance          1

    * Thanks,Gary Baughman  I.S.C. 

mailto:iscstat at hotmail.com

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