[Alsfastball] Governing Body - Residency Rule - by Ferdi Nelissen

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 1 00:57:37 EDT 2004

From: "Ferdi" <ferdi at mts.net>
To: <aldoran at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Governing Body - Residency Rule
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 23:46:13 -0500

     BRAVO Chad Rawn. I agree that a governing body should look at any and 
all information possible when trying to find the Truth. They should not 
list what they are after in their book when it comes to proving residency, 
of which half can be gotten by any non-resident, because that allows 
individuals time to prepare to bend the Rules.

     In no way am I suggesting that means ISC documentation is what anyone 
should use. However, one must remember the individuals had absolutely no 
reason to provide false information on ISC documents as the ISC allows 
players to go where they chose to.

     The fact is that you do not need ISC information to see what has 
happened at the 2004 Senior Men's Fastpitch Championships. People are 
getting away with breaking and completely circumventing the Rules as laid 
out in the Softball Canada Book.

      I would never accuse someone of cheating, especially those in 
positions of administering the sport, but I will say there are obviously a 
great deal of people unwilling ( for whatever reason) to do the job they 
have been charged with or enforcing the Rules and Regulations that they 
were assigned to over see and apply when necessary. And if this is not a 
time when it is necessary then there never will be. If this is the case 
Softball Canada should get rid of the Rule and quit creating embarrassing 
situations. People will attempt to get away with what they can. It is up to 
the individuals who have either taken paid positions with their 
associations &/or the ones voted onto their Boards by their members to take 
responsibility and do their jobs.

     The fact is some of the smaller Provinces did not want to go to the 
one (1) player import Rule when it was first brought out. The three (3) 
player limitation was a sound Rule that allowed the lesser lights, in terms 
of population, to attempt to compete by at least bringing in adequate 
pitching to booster their staff and maybe even add a couple of hitters. 
However, Softball Canada and all of the delegates thought this Rule was 
better, well then enforce it.

     The players in question are not individuals who are unknown to us in 
the sport, and if they are to our upper most administrators - shame on 
them. So I am assuming they are familiar with them. Most have been within 
our National Team program and they know perfectly well where they live. I 
am not saying I do not want these players in our National Championship and 
this is not directed at them, it is not their job to enforce Rules but 
rather to play. I know most of them personally and I am not attacking them 
in anyway, they are all great players and make our Championship a higher 
quality event. That being said, they should be there within the Rules as 
set out by Softball Canada ( in a democratic AGM) for our Provincial 
Associations and Teams to follow. What they and especially Softball Nova 
Scotia have done with their lack of action is opened the door for everyone 
to attempt to cheat, or at least the ones who can afford to. I have heard 
that Softball Alberta denied an individual the right to attend this year's 
National Championship because they enforced this very Rule, good for 
Executive Director Jim Jones.

     Mr. Hapgood is right, what individuals write that they are unwilling 
to take credit for should receive little in the way credibility. However, 
most people look at statements made by these types of individuals and give 
them what they deserve, that is no notice or response. Mr. Hapgood gave it 
both and that indicates to me that the mystery writer hit a nerve, maybe 
one of Truth.

     I say that everyone watching or following our National Championship 
wishes this was not the center of attention but when 3 teams are wide open 
to the obvious infraction it is essential that the Governing Body act 
accordingly. I will leave it  up to everyone out there to judge for 
themselves if that has occurred. The Rules are clear and certain things 
should have been done. Were they??? I would bet most people do not think so 
and that nothing will be done about it. That cannot help the Sport.

     Good Luck to all the teams and hopefully the host committee will have 
a great week for the event with large crowds. I was contemplating flying 
out for Friday but things are looking like this is unlikely to happen.
     Especially like to wish some of the players I coached with Fargo this 
summer in ISC ball good luck - Steve Langley, Jeff Ellsworth, Brad Bibby, 
Brad Twordik, Rob Giesbrecht.

Yours in Fastball,
Ferdi Nelissen
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
<mailto:ferdi at mts.net>ferdi at mts.net

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