[Alsfastball] Ontario ISC II Challenge Cup

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 1 13:22:25 EDT 2004

Hillsburgh, ON

With the weather playing havoc with the schedule, the Ontario ISC II
Challenge Cup is down to four teams with games to be resumed in Hillsburgh
on Saturday, September 25.

Here are the results to date:

game 1 Niagara Snappers 2 KW Thunder 1
game 2 Hillsburgh Stallions 6 Breslau KJ Sox 4
game 3 Mitchell Mets 10 Shelburne Schooners 3
game 4 Morriston A's 7 Norwich Razorbacks 0 (forfeit)

Winner's bracket
game 5 Ingersoll Centennials 7 Niagara 6
game 6 Kingston Cowboys 4 Hillsburgh 2
game 7 Highgate Rock 7 Mitchell 0
game 8 Port Elgin Blue Devils 6 Morriston 4

game 15 Ingersoll 2 Kingston 1
game 16 Port Elgin 8 Highgate 1

game 19 Port Elgin 9 Ingersoll 2

Loser's bracket
game 9 Niagara 5 Shelburne 4 - 8 inn
game 10 Hillsburgh 7 Norwich 0 (forfeit)
game 11 KW 6 Mitchell 3
game 12 Breslau 7 Morriston 4

game 13 Niagara 8 Hillsburgh 0
game 14 Breslau 4 KW 3

game 17 Breslau 10 Kingston 4
game 18 Niagara 7 Highgate 3 - 9 inn

Remaining to be played
game 20 Niagara vs Breslau
game 21 Ingersoll vs winner game 20

game 22 Port Elgin vs winner game 21
game 23 Port Elgin vs winner game 22 "if necessary"

The winner of the Ontario ISC II Challenge Cup receives a berth in the 2005
ISC II Tournament of Champions to be held in Chippewa Falls, WI.

Blair Setford
ISC II Commissioner
on behalf of Bob McGowan, ISC Commissioner for Eastern Canada, ISC II Vice
mail to: jbob99 at allstream.net


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