[Alsfastball] Oshawa - OCDSA Playoffs

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 8 07:53:49 EDT 2004

From: "Mal Swift" <malswift at rogers.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: OCDSA Playoffs
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 01:08:18 -0500

Oshawa , On

Quarter finals started tonight as the Aurora Leghorns visited the Whitby 
Eagles in Oshawa City and District Softball Association action.

The Eagles scored 1st in the 3rd inning as Pat Humphries cashed lead off 
batter Jamie Baker with an rbi single off Todd Martin. Jason Swift had 
provided the sac bunt to put Baker into scoring position.

The tables turned in the top of the 6th as pitcher Ryan Swift surrendered 
singles to # 8 batter Steve Kouleas and # 9 batter Rich Lowery.
On came Greg Garrity to relieve, but an infield single loaded the bases and 
a hard ground  ball off Garrity's glove by Reno Dambrosio scored Kouleas 
and Mike Dambrosio that had run for Lowery. 2 - 1 Leghorns. With 1 out 
George Karkambasis singled through the right side to cash the Leghorn's 
final 2 runs. Final score Leghorns 4 - Eagles 1.

Aurora take a 1 - 0 lead in the best of three quarter final series that 
resumes in Aurora tomorrow night at 8:30.

WP      Todd Martin     7IP 1RA 1ER 3H 3BB 12k's 1HP

LP        Ryan Swift       5IP 2RA 2ER 4H 0BB 5 K's
               Greg Garrity    2IP 2RA 2ER 3H 1BB 4 K's

Mal Swift - Coach - OCDSA VP - Media and Promotion
  From: "Mal Swift" <malswift at rogers.com>

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