[Alsfastball] End of Year Tourney - Oktoberfest Classic

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Sep 12 13:07:01 EDT 2004

From: BlairJS at aol.com
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 11:04:45 EDT
Subject: End of Year Tourney
To: fastball at pmihrm.com

This tournament is in the Waterdown, Ontario area.

I was wondering if you could post on the Web-site a tournament I am 
planning for Oct.1 - Oct.3. It is the Oktoberfest Classic and will be held 
at the Millgrove Park (tentative). The entry fee is $400 and a case of beer 
with winner taking home over $1000 in cash and prizes.

My contacts are

or email <mailto:vintagejerm20 at yahoo.ca>vintagejerm20 at yahoo.ca
Jeremy deLeeuw

  Als Fastball List
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