[Alsfastball] What is the fastest pitch recorded in mens softball and by who.

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Sep 26 18:47:02 EDT 2004

From: "Ron Draper" <rgdrape at attg.net>
To: <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 17:29:32 -0700

Can't find this anywhere. Thought you might know.
What is the fastest pitch recorded in mens softball and by who.

Thank you,

Ron Draper

From: "Ron Draper" <rgdrape at attg.net>


LOTS on eScribe, including:

Read the book, several times speeds over 100mph mentioned.

Roger May does not agree, interesting article by Rog

another article by Rog


Throughout the tournament, you will see Neil Young darting about with The
Fastpitch Chronicle radar gun. He's trying to check out the speed of as
many pitchers as he can during the tournament. Speed doesn't mean all that
much until a pitcher gets it up to 80 or higher. According to Jack
Addison's figuring, a pitch thrown 82 mph by a fastpitch pitcher (from 46
feet) gives the batter as much time to react as a baseball player would
have with a pitch thrown 114 mph (from 60'6"). Several players have hit 80
mph plus this week. Last year, in Sioux City, ISC pitchers struggled to get
their velocity up to 80. So far, the fastest pitch that Neil has recorded
was an 84 mph drop ball by Korrey Gareau of 51 Classics. Other
flamethrowers so far include: Doug Middleton (81), Greg Newton (80),Dewey
Dyck (80), Rob Schweyer (80), Derrek Coleman 81, Rick Smith 81, Marty Grant




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