[Alsfastball] People's Choice Sports Awards

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 29 06:35:59 EDT 2004

From: "Hadyn " <hadyn at softball.org.nz>
To: "Hadyn Smith(Work)" <hadyn at softball.org.nz>
Subject: People's Choice Sports Awards
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 14:45:51 +1200
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.4510


People’s Choice Sports Awards

You may have noticed that a new set of awards has surfaced this year called 
the People’s Choice Sports Awards.  Softball New Zealand has nominated as 

    * Sports Team – NZCT Black Sox
    * Coach – Don Tricker, and
    * Sportsman – Jarrad Martin (Black Sox Captain) or Mark Sorenson (Past 
Captain) [individuals to make their own judgment]

All you need to do to support these nominations is to go on line 

Every one from an individual e-mail address is entitled to one vote in each 
area of nomination.

Can you please vote and then cut and paste this message and pass this on to 
anyone with an interest in Softball.  As you can imagine every sport will 
be pushing their athletes so lets get behind the Black Sox.

Kind regards - Hadyn Smith


Softball New Zealand

Level 1, 7 Ward Street

PO Box 30 322


Phone:  0064 4 566 7023  Fax:  0064 4 566 7026  Mobile:  021 SOFTBALL (763822)

Website:  www.softball.org.nz  E-mail: 
<mailto:Hadyn at softball.org.nz>Hadyn at softball.org.nz

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