[Alsfastball] Vasey Countrymen Claim 2004 SRFL Crown

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Sep 30 10:13:38 EDT 2004

To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Vasey Countrymen Claim 2004 SRFL Crown
From: "Simcoe Rural Fastball League" <simcoerural at myway.com>

Vasey, ON. (not far from Orillia)

For the first time in Vasey Countrymen history, the Countrymen claimed the 
2004 Simcoe Rural Fastball League title by defeating the Minesing Monarchs. 
The Countrymen once again pounded out 17 hits ,similar to Game 6, as they 
took Game 7 over Minesing by a 12-7 score. The game featured some excelling 
hitting, wild bounces, throws, calls, spectacular plays and even a broken 
windshiled which made for a great game and entertained the 250+ fans in 
attendence. Full game details are available at the league website 

Brad Robinson

From: "Simcoe Rural Fastball League" <simcoerural at myway.com>

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