[Alsfastball] Owen Sound Selects meeting

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Oct 15 08:15:33 EDT 2004

From: "Fred Wallace" <fredww5 at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com, aldoran at pmihrm.com
Subject: Owen Sound Selects meeting
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 08:03:16 -0400

Owen Sound, ON

The Owen Sound Selects held an organizational meeting last night at the 
Harry Lumley-Bayshore Community Centre.

Organizer Howie Traynor relates the meeting had both positive and 
discouraging aspects.

Traynor admits he was disappointed that only a half dozen people attended, 
however, several others expressed regrets because of previous committments.

The Selects are hoping to form a 15 person executive with the primary goal 
of generating a $ 75,000 operating budget for the 2005 season.

Traynor states overall the session was a good one, and he anticipates 
further support when the club has their next meeting Wednesday October 27th 
at 7:30 again at the Lumley-Bayshore.

The Selects did not operate a club last season after winning the Canadian 
Championship in 2003.

Fred Wallace
Bayshore Broadcasting

From: "Fred Wallace" <fredww5 at hotmail.com>

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