[Alsfastball] News Chrono from Fargo

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Nov 6 16:38:58 EST 2004

From: "James Robert Williamson" <jrwilliamson at foodfacility.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: News Chrono from Fargo
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 11:00:17 -0800

For Immediate Posting
Fargo Newspaper Articles on ISC Tournament
by Jim Williamson

During the week of the ISC World Tournament & Tournament of Champions in
Fargo, I clipped all the news articles from the Fargo Forum. I copied these
to a 8 1/2 x 11 format ready for binding. There are 50 pages.

In addition to the Line Scores for each WT game, there are articles on:

Key Games
Dean Holoien
County Materials
North Americans
Fargo Teams
Andrew Kirkpatrick
Jeremy Spear (the Movie Maker)
Hairston's ISC II Championship

Unfortunately, copies of newspaper photos never turn out well, no matter
what kind of copier is used, so these will be "readable", but fuzzy.

Copies are available for:

$4.00USD News Chrono Booklet from Fargo Forum-Loose, not Bound
$0.33USD Handling
$2.67USD USPS Snail Mail
$1.00USD For the Love of the Game

TOTAL  $8.00

Additional Shipping charges will apply to quicker shipments and shipment to
Canada. I will bill you at my cost.

From: "James Robert Williamson" <jrwilliamson at foodfacility.com>

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