[Alsfastball] Attention all aol.com subscribers

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Nov 10 16:37:53 EST 2004

We have reduced the number of aol.com subscribers to well below the 120 
mark we had a year ago, about the time the brain trust at aol.com started 
blocking our email.

We have however not convinced everyone that aol.com is absolutely the worst 
ISP we have ever encountered, even though subscribers are walking away in 
droves and moving to a real ISP.

We still cannot send email from our fastball list through our normal home 
office connection using Sympatico.ca, the bigots who run aol.com think that 
anything from Canada must be spam and they block us.  So a few times a 
week, we save up the most important looking email news and we connect to a 
very slow dial up connection using our Allstream.net account.

That is why our loyal subscribers who are still stuck with aol.com only get 
their email in short bursts a couple of times a week.

We do not always have the time to do this so its time to take the step of 
officially declaring aol.com as a rouge ISP and banning them from our 
subscriber list.  We WILL continue to send some email to our existing 
aol.com subscribers a couple of times a week, if we have time, for now at 

We will NOT however add any new aol.com subscribers to the list.  We will 
encourage any who ask to join to read the archives for now but to seriously 
think about getting a real ISP connection. Both hotmail.com and yahoo.com 
now have much larger incoming file space and that is always an option for 
those poor folks stuck with aol.com

For now, we will accept postings from aol.com subscribers however we cannot 
guarantee how long this will last.

If the bigots at aol.com would get off their collective fat 
maximus  and fix the problem they have had for the past year (stop blocking 
mail from sympatico.ca) we will seriously consider returning aol.com to our 
normal subscriber data base.



  Als Fastball List
*Email: fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS: http://www.escribe.com/sports/alsfastball/
TEMP: http://www.fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball.htm


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