[Alsfastball] Masters of the Game - Nov '04 - Jack Gree

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Nov 13 10:39:16 EST 2004

From: "Dave Birnie" <ranger11 at idirect.com>
To: <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 11:28:20 -0500
Subject: Masters of the Game - Nov '04 - Jack Green

Masters of the Game - Nov. 2004 - Jack Green

A tribute to people involved in Masters Fastball in Ontario

Jack Green - From Softballs to Golf Balls

Jack Green from North Bay, Ontario is the first ever person to be featured
in " Masters of the Game. " Jack has been involved with the World Senior
Men's Fastball Tournament held annually in North Bay for the past 18 years.
Al Jeffries ran the tourney pretty much by himself the first 2 years which
saw 14 teams involved in 1987 followed by 23 teams in '88. In 1989 the North
Bay League took over the tournament and Jack Green acted as Tournament Chair
and saw the number of teams expand to 32. Jack acted as Chair again from
1991 -1994 and once again in 1999 until 2004.
Jack has also been involved in scheduling, publicity and awards.
Jack is the first to admit that he has had a tremendous amount of help and
support from a group of about 8 guys who in Jack's words
" have performed admirably over the past 12 years which has made my job as
Chair much easier. " Jack originally joined the league executive in '86 as a
team rep. Jack has also served as League President ( 87 - 92 ) and has
remained as Past President until 2003.
Jack also handled accommodations and registration in the early years and
points out that Dave Cerisano now handles these duties wonderfully.

In his mid 20's Jack pitched in the Toronto Swansea League ( 1966 - 1969 )
Jack moved to North Bay in 1970 and did not start playing ball again until
1984 at the age of 42 in the old six team North Bay Old-timers League. Jack
played outfield for 5 years and then moved to firstbase for the remainder of
his career with the Fraser Tavern Old-timers ( now King Henrys. ) In the
past 20 years Fraser Tavern have won their league championship 6 times and
the World Senior " A " Tournament once, in 1996 and were " A " finalists
from 1999 - 2003.

At age 62, Jack has been forced to retire due to arthritic knees and an
unstable back. Jack has gone from chasing softballs to chasing golf balls.
Jack states that his wife has now taken up golf which has added to the mix
!!! Jack expects to lend a hand to the World Senior Tournament on occasion
but will not assume a leadership role.  Jack sums up his involvement with
the North Bay League and World Senior Tournament with the following ......

" It has been a most important and enjoyable part of my life "

On a personal note, I contacted Jack and asked if I could feature him and
pay tribute to him for his contributions to Masters Fastball in Ontario. I
could not think of anyone more fitting to be featured in the inaugural
edition of " Masters of the Game. "

Jack's last thoughts in his e-mail were as follows .....
" Thanks for thinking of me Dave and congrats to you for all you have done
for Masters Fastball in Ontario. We have worked hard at keeping fastball
alive here in Northern Ontario but your commitment has kept the sport in the
forefront throughout the province."

Jack is currently enjoying a golf holiday in New Orleans and then on to
Biloxi, Mississippi. Thanks Jack for all you have done for Masters Fastball
and good luck chasing golf balls in the jungles of the Bayou.

Please send me your nominations for future editions of " Masters of the Game

Check out the Ontario Masters Fastball web site for the following recent
postings ................

Origin of the North Bay Senior Men's Fastball League .....

Origin of the World Senior Men's Fastball Tournament .....

Veteran pitcher " Cole " retires .....

Cold Springs Cats - History of the Cats .....

1997 Canadian Masters Championship - complete game by game results .....
Ya, I know the results are old but first time posted to web site.
Cold Springs Cats ( Ont. ) defeat Victoria Payless Masters ( BC ) in

18th Annual World Senior Men's Fastball Tournament results .....
Finally received the results and scores of all game are posted

Make sure to vote and post your comments on the 2 polls posted to the web

Ontario Masters Fastball web site    http://eteamz.active.com/omf/

Yours in Sport

Dave Birnie
Web Site Administrator
Ontario Masters Fastball
E-mail : mailto:ranger11 at idirect.com

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