[Alsfastball] There Is No Joy In Calgary.....Mighty Darrell Has Just Signed out

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Dec 16 17:27:04 EST 2004

From: PeterJPorcelli at aol.com
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 16:37:36 EST
Subject: There Is No Joy In Calgary.....Mighty Darrell Has Just Signed out

There is no Joy in Calgary

..Mighty Darrell has just signed out!

Like the Mudville saga which centers around a prolific star who goes down 
with his team  and saddens his fans, Darrell Joy has left for Saskatoon on 
the heels of his good friend Whitty and strictly out of their friendship 
and his promise that they would play together.

      There is no figuring out Newfies. But THAT is not news. But no matter 
how you spin it, Calgary has lost a great player and also a greater man.

      He didn’t want to go, and was looking forward to playing second base 
next year and his leadoff role in the batting order. With Scrappy Crawford 
solidly entrenched in the number two spot in that batting order, the 
combination of DJ & Scrappy was almost certain to get Calgary a run at 
least a third of the times through the order. That is, if Darrell was able 
to make the weekend tourneys and did not have to work. That has not been an 
enviable stat, having made just four weekends each of the last two years, 
by my less than perfect estimation.

      He has had injuries nag him throughout all his playing time, and 
father time teaches us that these kinds of “Cause and effect relationships” 
usually continue until the cycle is broken. Back to the work commitment. 
You don’t argue with a Professional Geologist Engineer who works in the oil 
fields of Alberta and is  more of  key player in the energy business than 
you could ever expect him to be in softball. But wait, man, Darrell is as 
good as any of them, on the field, so what I am really saying is he is 
outstanding in his professional life as well. But who would doubt that 
anyway?. Bravo DJ!

      But oft injured he has been, and with short playing time and nagging 
injuries,  the other issue of rust comes to mind. Darrell is not 
superhuman, and I know no one that works harder in the gym and swings off 
the T and does everything he can to be as sharp with each of the few at 
bats he does get during the season when he cannot be there to practice and 
compete. But none of that is an acceptable substitute for playing time each 
player needs to have in order to truly perform at crunch time. That is the 
DJ story in a nutshell.

       Kelly Wenstrom and myself as well as Garnett Kazuik, another 
Director of the team, have been hard at work trying to replace this player, 
and we feel that given the challenges that net Darrell’s potential 
contribution to our effort are bit lower than his ability would normally 
provide him with, that we will certainly replace if not improve overall on 
team strength with the right player. But we all agree we will never be able 
to replace the man.

      On another note, it appears that Calgary might also lose their DP, 
Boomer Brush until the ISC. Apparently Boomer is having to go through some 
continuing education classes that will enable his permit to be valid and 
effectuate his travel to Canada. However, time constraints including the 
rigorous body conditioning program he is embarking on will render the 
Superstar short in his paperwork come time for travel. So one option is for 
him to play for a stateside team and come to Calgtary for the ISC in Eau 
Claire. The next would be to retire until the ASA and use that as a tune 
up. We all know that Boomer can get out of bed and hit BB’s with a coat 
hanger still only half awake.  The third option would be simply to leave, 
but his sworn intent to retire with other ex Smokers who are on Calgary may 
prevent his seriously considering a permanent move to another team. So we 
will keep you up to date with that.

      As I have been saying, I will candidly and promptly report any 
significant changes in the Calgary jauggernaut throughout 2004-2005 season, 
including our scouting and recruiting efforts which should keep us at least 
as a co-favorite to win the coveted Carroll
Forbes trophy as ISC World Champion in this next campaign.

      In the meantime, any 3-4-5 in the lineup proven DH candidates please 
feel free to respond to either Kelly Wenstrom, Garnett Kazuik or myself. We 
do ask that no more pitchers apply, we are close to a deal and have not 
even been able to fairly and respectfully answer the flood of personnel 
contacting us as pitchers. We regret this and will eventually get back to 
each one that has taken their time to throw their hat into the ring. We 
thank you for your interest and feel blessed at each and every intention 
expressed by the outstanding players we have heard from.


Pete Porcelli II
Reply to <mailto:PeterJPorcelli at Aol.com>PeterJPorcelli at Aol.com

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