[Alsfastball] Masters Division at Snapper Shootout

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Jan 4 12:05:35 EST 2005

From: "Perry Bartley" <misterpaulo at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Masters Division at Snapper Shootout
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 11:53:19 -0500

Fastball Community,

In the last posting a failed to mention the inclusion of a Masters Division 
in this years Snapper Shootout.  The Shootout will be held June 3-5 at 
Centennial Park in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON.

Only the Stoney Creek Gators have expressed interest to date.  Masters team 
that are interested should go to the Niagara Snappers team website for 
additional tournament information or reply to the contact below.


Perry Bartley
Snapper Shootout
905 356-9758
misterpaulo at hotmail.com

Als Fastball List
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