[Alsfastball] Rookie added to White Sox pitching staff

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Jan 10 00:17:18 EST 2005

Received: 1/9/05 10:44:01 PM 
From:  SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz> 
Subject:  Rookie added to White Sox pitching staff  


Rookie added to White Sox pitching staff
Monday January 10th 2005

There is a Tangaroa back on the mound pitching for New Zealand
but it isnot the well known Chubb it is his daughter Michal who
won a call up tothe New Zealand Community Trust White Sox today.

Michal Tangaroa has been added to the White Sox squad for the
New ZealandCommunity Trust Tri Series to be held in Christchurch
this weekend. The18-year-old will be with the Kiwi team as they
take on a World All Starsline up and the national Japanese under
23 team.

White Sox coach Mike Walsh chose to include Tangaroa for the
series withan eye on the future and on the back of her strong
form for Hawkes Bay atthe national under 19 girls tournament
and the National Provincial Cup.

Tangaroa has been included as cover for the four pitchers already
namedin case of injury and to give her a taste of the White Soxenvironment.

“We wanted to give Michal an opportunity to get into the White
Soxenvironment and be part of the dynamics for the future. She
has comealong really well in the last 18 months she is getting
stronger and shehas developed more movement with the ball and
speed,” saidWalsh.

Michal follows in the steps of her father Chubb who played for
the BlackSox during the 1980’s and 90’s. Chubb was also pitching
coach for theBlack Sox at the 2004 World Championships.

Proud dad Chubb says Michal has put in a lot of work over the
years toreach the elite level and she was wrapped to hear the
news of her callup.

“This is the first stage of a new journey for Michal we have
put in a lotof hard work together and to see it come to fruition
is great,” saidTangaroa. 

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
* mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz 

*mailto:snz at softball.org.nz 

Cheers Vance 
Softball New Zealand web master.
* mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz 


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