[Alsfastball] AAU Results - Thursday 4 PM

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Jan 20 19:29:23 EST 2005

 1/20/05 6:22:24 PM 
From:  iscken at comcast.net (Ken Hackmeister )   
Subject:  AAU Results - Thursday 4 PM  


Hi Al - The first games of the 2005 AAU Men's International Fastpitch
Tournament at Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex, began at
4 PM Thursday under sunny skies and temperatures in the mid 60's
Results of those 4 PM games:
Florida Fastptich.........2
Ambassadors US VI...3
WP - Derrek Mayson and Rogers
LP -  Terry Luster, Jamie Simpson (6) and White
Orlando Kings.....0
Fryer's BVI.........2
WP - Neville Smith and Parsons
LP - Jose Navas and Armien
Six Nation's Chiefs..............6
Miami Cardinals/Venezuela..1
WP - Darren Zack, Rory Miller (6) and Boyer
LP - Juan Hernandez and Perez
Four 6 PM games are underway which will conclude Thursday's play.
 Games on Friday are 9 & 11 AM, 1, 3 & 5 PM.  Six games at each
game time.

 iscken at comcast.net (Ken Hackmeister ) 

Als Fastball List
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