[Alsfastball] Bob Otto's "A Year In Review (photos)"

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Jan 29 06:31:03 EST 2005

1/28/05 6:49:00 PM 
From:  Bob otto <botto3 at verizon.net> 
To:  Al Doran <fastball at pmihrm.com>  
Subject:  Bob Otto's "A Year In Review (photos)"  

For those that wish to view my 2004 Valley Chronicle "2004 Year
In Review"
photos Go to:www.thevalleychronicle.com/news.

Then click on: "A Year In Review - Bob Otto" in the index.

And if you want to spark a little romance with that special Valentine,
how dance instructor Shirley Clifton has her students "dancin
and romancin"
in her beginning dance class. (Might just help improve the footwork
for some
of our fastpitch players. Along with their love lives...)

Go to: www.thevalleychronicle.com/news.
Click on: "Hemet Police Get New Weapon." Scroll down the news
index on the
left side and look for "dancin and romancin."

I'll be working on my new editor (starts Monday) for my own photo
fastpitch photos) page...we'll see.

I hope you enjoy,
Bob Otto

Als Fastball List
*Email: aldoran at pmihrm.com
Website: http://www.pmihrm.com
VIA http://www.webbox.com

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