[Alsfastball] 2009 Canada Summer Games

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Feb 2 18:36:44 EST 2005

2/2/05 5:53:07 PM 
From:  "Lise Jubinville" <ljubinville at softball.ca> 
To:  "Al Doran" <aldoran at pmihrm.com>  
Subject:  2009 Canada Summer Games  



Part Number: 3 
Part Type: HTML 


Hi Al;
I hope you can do me a favour and post the following on your
discussion forum:
In an earlier posting Softball Canada informed the softball community
that Men's Softball would not be in the 2009 Canada Summer Games.
We requested your assistance in lobbying the government to re-evaluate
the Canada Games Council decision. To assist you with this task,
please find attached a template of a letter you can send your
local politician to request assistance.
To read more about the 2009 Canada Summer Games sport selection
process and softball, please visit Softball Canada's web site
If you have any questions regarding the 2009 Canada Summer Games,
please feel free to contact me.
Lise Jubinville
Program Director - Coaching/Domestic Programs
Softball Canada
Suite 704 - 2197 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON  K1H 7X3
(B) 613-523-3386, x-3103
(F) 613-523-5761

Mailto:ljubinville at softball.ca


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