[Alsfastball] Moving Status - mail still on hold

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Feb 4 08:36:38 EST 2005

We have completed the move of our offices however Bell failed
to deliver the new phone line promised to us and it may be several
more days before we see it properly installed.

Until then we are limping along on web mail and not sending any
email to Al's Fastball List subscribers.

We will do our best to post all news to eScribe but not as quickly
as might normally have time to do so.

Yes, our condo in Richmond Hill, Ontario is still for sale/rent/lease



Als Fastball List
*Email: aldoran at pmihrm.com
Website: http://www.pmihrm.com
VIA http://www.webbox.com

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