[Alsfastball] Ontario ISC II Top 10 Rankings

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Apr 22 10:12:01 EDT 2005

Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 22:56:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: BLAIR SETFORD <blairjs at rogers.com>
Subject: Ontario ISC II Top 10 Rankings

'Tis the season for rankings and here is the Ontario ISC II Preseason 
Rankings. As the name suggests, this covers teams that are eligible for ISC 
II play. Without further adieu, here they are:

2005 Ontario ISC II Preseason Rankings

1. Smully's Tavistock Merchants

Added power hitter/pitcher Mike Pinder and Shawn Brown to already strong 
lineup. How long will leadoff batter & sparkplug Dean Kaufman stay retired?

2 Harriston Mercury's

With Ryan Dilgee & Terry Martin in Elora, there's some holes to fill for 
last year's ISC II Champs. Joe German is signed on to back up Scott Smith.

3 Micksburg Twins

Have to be considered top seed at ISC II Qualifier in Blackburn with Corey 
& Shawn Costello.

4 Norwich Razorbacks

Signed Todd Winkworth, Ben Blonde & Drew Winger to go with ace Tim Neill & 
added Cory Winkworth plus a couple of sticks from East coast, but losing 
shortstop Jeff Konigshofer.

5 Palermo Athletics

Biggest beneficiary of slightly looser ISC II restrictions, reclassified 
veteran club is loaded with senior experience, especially with NAFA Hall of 
Famer Gord Scott on the mound.

6 Kanata Team Easton

Most of the former Kemptville Thunder players landed here including ace Dan 

7 Port Elgin Blue Devils

With berth to ISC II ToC already in their back pocket, BDs will be heard 
from in Chippewa Falls.

8 Bridgeport Braves

With decision to open up ISC II by a small degree, Scharr brothers will 
keep this team in contention.

9 Elora Rage

Picked up several players from Breslau, including Don Harris, Kevin 
Pomfret, Terry Martin & Greg Scheele to go with Ryan Dilgee, who is playing 
here and not in Harriston.

10  Niagara Snappers

Full-time additions of pitcher Dan Duemo & DH Jarrod Burtt will solidify 
Snappers' lineup and playing in ISC league provides solid experience.

Honourable mentions (alphabetical):

Alvinston Indians - Still looking for pitching to replace Drew Winger. Also 
lost Kyle Mitchell from ISC II roster, but veteran club is still competitive.

Aylmer Cardinals - Dan Beecroft & Ryan Cummings will keep Aylmer in every game.

Cobourg Stingers - Will be a threat to win the Blackburn qualifier with 
addition of Lyle Brown.

Glencoe Astros - If Shaun Winship is on form, Glencoe will be heard from in 
Innerkip. Added three starters from Shedden.

Hamilton Hawks - Apparently looking at ISC II for 2006, have added 
Newfoundland junior pitcher Lee Cose for selected weekends.

Highgate Rock - Added pitcher Jeremy Osbourne & catcher Bryan Depencier, 
but looks like Blonde is gone to Norwich for ISC II.

Jarvis Rock - Can hit with anyone. Big question: Is Dave "Farmer" Martin back?

Kingston Cowboys - Won Loughborough leage in 2004 and will be playing in 

Mississauga Arrows - Could be tough if Chris McColl pitches full-time. 
Addition of Craig Walker & junior Drew Hathway for tournaments gives some 
pitching depth.

Stouffville Mennos - With Scott Evans they won Intermediate elims, but even 
without, they're very good.

Blair Setford

ISC II Commissioner


hate mail to: <mailto:blairjs at rogers.com>blairjs at rogers.com

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