[Alsfastball] ISC II Guidelines for reclassified players, rosters and pickups

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon May 2 23:37:20 EDT 2005

Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 20:55:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: BLAIR SETFORD <blairjs at rogers.com>
Subject: ISC II Guidelines for reclassified players, rosters and pickups

Attention all ISC II teams

ISC Vice President Bob McGowan and ISC II Commissioner Blair Setford have 
released guidelines for reclassified players, rosters and pickups that will 
be in place for the 2005 season.

All ISC II teams, particularly those in Ontario or who have reclassified 
players, should read the three documents which can be found in Adobe pdf 
format at <http://www.ghfl.ca/ISCIIOntario.htm>www.ghfl.ca/ISCIIOntario.htm.

If teams or players have any questions regarding these guidelines, they 
should contact either Bob McGowan or Blair Setford as per below.

Bob McGowan
ISC II Vice President
519 941 6767 evenings
<mailto:jbob99 at allstream.net>jbob99 at allstream.net

Blair Setford
ISC II Commissioner
416 681 8803 days
<mailto:blairjs at rogers.com>blairjs at rogers.com

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