[Alsfastball] Pitching for success (NZ)

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 16 19:04:05 EDT 2005

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 10:51:09 +1200

From: SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz>
Subject: Pitching for success

Pitching for success
Wednesday August 17th 2005

Having achieved at the highest level on the diamond former White Sox 
pitcher Debbie Mygind is now taking on the challenging position of 
National Pitching Director for New Zealand Softball.

Mygind played for the White Sox for 11 years and spearheaded New 
Zealand to victory at the 1982 World Championships pitching the 
final. She also had a successful career in America undertaking a 
scholarship with Cal State University, Fullerton where she studied 
physical education.

After time away from the sport Mygind says she is excited by the 
prospect of getting back into the game and developing future world 
championship winning pitchers for New Zealand.

"It is good to give something back to the game, I have been away for 
a little while but still have a great passion for softball. Sitting 
back and watching the 2004 World Championships as the New Zealand 
Community Trust Black Sox claimed a three peat of titles has inspired 
me to want to get back into the game," said Mygind.

The 44-year-old pitcher says the role of National Pitching Director 
was an opportunity she couldn't turn down.

"To have a full time job coaching pitching is too good to be true. 
Pitching is a subject  I know a lot about but I am also keen to learn 
more. My experience from having played in the States especially has 
taught me a lot, I know how the Americans train and how to prepare as 
a pitcher."

Mygind describes the position of pitcher as one of huge pressure both 
physically and mentally and she believes success in the role comes 
down to preparation which is something she will be looking to 
emphasise to young pitchers coming through the grades.

New Zealand Softball National Coaching Director Naomi Shaw believes 
Mygind will be a valuable asset to the national body's coaching staff 
with her wealth if experience unbeatable.

"Debbie can walk the talk, her record speaks for itself. The position 
of National Pitching Director is a very specialist one and you have 
to have someone in there with a lot of credibility. Debbie has a lot 
of experience and her time in the American college system is a huge 
plus for us," said Shaw.

A key aspect of the role of National Pitching Director is one of 
coaching the coaches to ensure young pitchers from all around the 
country are learning the right techniques and systems. Mygind will 
interact with coaches at all levels, including those with the New 
Zealand Community Trust White Sox and Black Sox sides along with 
their junior counterparts.

Mygind takes over the position from NZCT Black Sox pitcher Marty 
Grant who Shaw says has put in place some really good initiatives for 
the incoming Mygind to build on.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz at softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*   mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz

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