[Alsfastball] 2006 ISC Hall of Fame, 2007 Tournament Site, ISC Elections

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Aug 17 16:36:37 EDT 2005

From: iscken at comcast.net (Ken Hackmeister )


At the ISC Board of Directors meeting, Tuesday, August 16, the 
following individuals were voted into the ISC Hall of Fame.  Their 
induction will take place in next year in Kitchener, Ontario, Sunday, 
August 13, 2006.

Old Time Player Category
Ed Klecker - pitcher - Southern California

Player Category
Greg Sepulveda - shortstop - Southern California
Brad Underwood - pitcher - Owen Sound, Ontario

Bob Welby Recognition of Services Category
Art Gillis - Tournament Director & Administrator - Saginaw, MI

Decatur, IL - 2007
The ISC Board of Directors voted to hold the 2007 ISC World 
Tournament and ISC Tournament of Champions tournaments in Decatur, 
IL, August 10-18,2007.

ISC Officers Elected
The following ISC individuals were elected as officers for the next two years.

President - Dick Mason
Executive Committee Chairman - Larry Fisher
Secretary - Robert Gray
Treasurer - Charlie Smith
Canadian VP - Ferdi Nelissen
Northern VP - Dave LeBlanc
Southern VP - Charlie Smith
Eastern VP - Bill Howell
Western VP -Chris Santos
Developmental VP - Wayne Fisher
ISC II VP - Bob McGowan


Als Fastball List
*Email: <mailto:fastball at pmihrm.com>fastball at pmihrm.com
Website: http://www.alsfastball.com/
http://www.ISCfastball.com/  2005 Eau Claire, Wisconsin - August 12-20
NEWS: http://www.escribe.com/sports/alsfastball/
TEMP: http://www.fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball.htm

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