[Alsfastball] How to go direct video webCast URL

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Aug 20 14:11:41 EDT 2005

From: Dave Blackburn <iscfastball2005 at yahoo.com>
Subject: How to go direct video webCast URL
To: fastball at pmihrm.com

If you have a Broadband connection, and you can not see the video due 
to your Pop Up Blocker not allowing your Windows Media Player to 
launch properly through the ISC Sportsjuice  Page

Open Windows Media Player>
(You can do this by Clicking Start> All Programs> and clicking on 
Windows Media Player)
Click on the File Pull down Menu at the Top of the Windows media Player>
Select Open URL>
Type in or paste the following URL:


This will get you into the Video Signal directly and bypass your Pop 
Up Blocker.


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