[Alsfastball] JRW in OPEN-AAA Class at NAFA World Series

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 22 16:05:32 EDT 2005

From: "James Robert Williamson" <jrwilliamson at foodfacility.com>
To: "Al Doran for Postings" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: JRW in OPEN-AAA Class at NAFA World Series
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:18:19 -0700

For Immediate Posting
By Jim Williamson, Manager and Sponsor of JRW and Associates
jrwilliamson at foodfacility.com
Sun Aug 21, 2005

JRW & Associates Gains Win in OPEN/AAA Class at NAFA World Series

Casper Park, Mankato, Minnesota..On late Saturday night and early Sunday in
the NAFA OPEN/AAA World Series, JRW finished 1-3, tied for 7th place.

JRW forfeited their opener to the River City Rockers due to injuries on a
short squad.

In their second game with pick-up players added, JRW lost 11-0 to the IS
Knights of Fargo as 19 year Australian Adam Folkard struck out 14 batters.

In the very late Sat night game, JRW beat the Bar of Appleton 6-2 as pitcher
Dave Drotzmann threw an excellent game.

JRW lost their Sunday morning game 4-1 to Tanners/Briggs of Omaha. Manager
Jim Williamson used all 3 pitchers in their NAFA final.

JRW lost to Argentine pick-up pitcher Sisko Sabate who they had faced
multiple times in the past three years when Sisko pitched for the NW
Merchants of Lacey, WA.

JRW LF Bob Harris and SS Mike Parham were named 2nd Team All-World. Harris
batted .300 and had 3 RBI. Parham batted .400 and had a .571 on base

P.S. Just noticed on Al's Fastball list that JRW CF Tim Fischer was named to
the ISC II Tournament of Champions First All-Tournament team. Tim batted
.533 (8-15).

  Als Fastball List
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