[Alsfastball] Hustle Hogs Fastball Report

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 28 11:35:59 EDT 2005

From: "Tom Crouch" <dfsc at juno.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 15:25:36 GMT
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Hustle Hogs Fastball Report

DeKalb, Il.

The DeKalb Hustle Hogs with appreciated sponsorship from the DeKalb Moose 
Lodge are currently 15-13 in league play.

The Hogs have also played exhibition games against a world class team from 
Aurora, Il., as well as, an international team from Denmark in the Netherlands.

The pitching staff includes Tim Murphy(3 wins), Brian Tobin (7 wins), and 
Larry Laugerhasen (5 wins).

The Hogs boast seven hitters that are hitting .300 or better:
Tommy Crouch (.443)
Brian Tobin (.426)
Matt Smith (.392)
Chad Crutcher (.356)
Mike Drew (.351)
Chad Allen (.339)
Jay Armes (.303)

The Hogs are led by Shaun Cavasos with 12 walks.

The Hogs will travel to Decatur, Illinois on Wednesday to compete in the 
Class B Nationals.  There will be 52 teams competing in this event.  This 
will be the first time in the Hogs history (8 years) that they will be 
competing in a national championship.

The Hustle Hogs National Championships roster with pick ups included:

Jay Armes 3b/dh
Chad Allen c/u
Tommy Crouch ss/2b
Chad Crutcher 2b/of
Sean Ebert if/of
John Colvin of
Scott Dobbs c/of
Shaun Cavasos of
Dave Liddick of
Mike Drew 1b/dh
Tim Murphy p
Jason Iuli p
Brian Tobin p/c
Matt Smith of
Dave Perkins ss/2b
Adam Perkins 3b/2b
Vince Virtue c/of

Tom Crouch
dfsc at juno.com

  Als Fastball List
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