[Alsfastball] Men's Softball removed from XV Pan American Games

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Sep 1 08:56:46 EDT 2005

From: "Mathieu Gentes" <mgentes at softball.ca>

Subject: Men's Softball removed from XV Pan American Games
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:53:59 -0400

Men's Softball removed from XV Pan American Games

September 1st, 2005

(Ottawa) – Earlier this week, Men's softball was 
removed from the 2007 Pan American Games program 
by the Pan American Sport Organization 
(PASO).  The 2007 Pan American Games were slated for Rio, Brazil.

Softball Canada President Kevin Quinn is very 
disappointed with this decision. "I am extremely 
disappointed that we have been removed from the 
2007 Pan American Games, however I am not 
completely shocked as host Brazil does not have a 
men's softball program.  Softball Canada will be 
working very hard at looking for new 
championships, such as getting on the program of the Commonwealth Games."

Softball Canada's Men's National team captured 
the Gold Medal in every Pan American Games since 
softball was added to the Games in 1979; that's seven Gold Medals in a row.

Also cut from the Pan Am Games were in-line 
hockey and racquetball.  Added to the program 
were bowling, futsal, individual roller sport, karate, squash and water skiing.

The Pan American Games are held every four years 
in the year preceding the Olympic Games. The 
first Pan American Games took place in 1951 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Softball Canada is the national sport governing body for softball in Canada.


For more information:

Mathieu Gentès

Softball Canada

Marketing and Communications Director

mgentès at softball.ca

(613) 523-3386 ext. 3105

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