[Alsfastball] Game 52 - St. Thomas over Kinkora

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Sep 1 23:16:11 EDT 2005

Game 52 - St. Thomas over Kinkora

Game 52

St. Thomas Evergreen Centennials
Kinkora O’Sheas Pub and Eatery Hitman

St. Thomas:                  7
Kinkora:                       0

St. Thomas:        

WP:                 Frank Cox:     7 IP, 0R, 0ER, 2H, 13K, 1BB
C: Sean O’Brien

LP:                   Rob Schweyer:            7 IP, 7R, 6ER, 10H, 6K, 1BB
C: Shannon Ellis

Ryan Wolfe went 2-3
Sean O’Brien, HR in 4th – 2/3
Mark Coleman, HR in 6th

Peter Reimed had a double.

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