[Alsfastball] C4 - NL defeat BC Black Bears in exciting game

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Sep 3 14:30:39 EDT 2005


Newfoundland  3
BC Black Bears  2

One exciting game enjoyed by a large crowd of very pro NL fans on a 
simply fantastic afternoon in the ball yard.

Bright, sunny, nice breeze, no humidity, and great ball  - all a fan 
could ask for.

Details to follow on this one.

Newfoundland play again at 4pm against Saskatoon. in game C6  - 
likely will be starting late as this game (C4) ended at 2:20pm.

Gosse went almost the distance on this game, replaced by Blair Ezekiel  in B7

Gosse got a triple in T7 to score the go ahead run.

Piechnik started for BC Black Bears, replaced by Colin MacKenzie mid 
way through game.

Jewell got both runs for BC, both HRs

Details to follow

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