[Alsfastball] Tight 3-2 victory over Rama Rebels opens ODFL final

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Sep 3 14:36:38 EDT 2005

From: "troy burtch" <troy_odfl at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: ODFL Finals
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 13:28:03 -0400

Brechin wins pitchers’ duel
Tight 3-2 victory over Rama Rebels opens ODFL final
By Lacey Sheppy

For: <http://www.orilliapacket.com>www.orilliapacket.com

Local Sports - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 @ 08:00

MNJIKANING ­ Game 1 of the Orillia District 
fastball League finals saw quiet bats and 
exhausted pitchers as Brechin eked out a 3-2 win 
over the Rama Rebels last night.

Rebels pitcher Steve Jacobs gave up five hits in 
the first inning, but held Brechin to just seven more the rest of the game.

“We left too many runners on (base),” said Rama 
coach Curtis Stinson. “We were chasing bad balls all night.”

Mike Samways was the first to cross home plate 
for Brechin in the top of the first inning. Cody 
Winderbank followed suit in the second.

Jacobs put the Rebels within one run in the 
bottom of the second, while Kyle LeDrew evened 
the score in the third when Brechin catcher Doug 
Double dropped a wild pitch that allowed LeDrew to steal home.

“It was a good game,” said Brechin coach Rob 
Irvine, who hit the game-winning home run in the top of the fifth.

“I got lucky with that one hit. It just looked good coming in.”

Although Rama, which won the ODFL championship in 
2000, finished first in the regular season with a 
record of 13-5-2, Brechin had the upper hand in 
head-to-head meetings, winning three of six in the regular season.

Both teams would like to see more runners cross 
home plate in Game 2, but Brechin pitcher Jim 
Farrell is doubtful that will happen.

“There haven’t been any high-scoring games in the 
playoffs, and I don’t think there will be,” he 
said, adding low-scoring games are more exciting for the fans.

“We’re just hoping to keep their bats idle (next game) and get ours going.”

It’s the same strategy Rama hopes to use to its advantage.

“We’ve just got to hit more,” said Stinson. “Just 
keep hitting, hitting, hitting.”

While Irvine said he doesn’t think he’ll change 
strategy much for the rest of the best-of-seven 
series, he would like to fine-tune his team’s defence.

“We’re great defensively and we’ve got strong pitching with Farrell,” he said.

“But there are a few errors we could have back.”

Game 2 goes Sept. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Brechin.

From: "troy burtch" <troy_odfl at hotmail.com>

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