[Alsfastball] Centennials repay city, fans

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Sep 5 19:16:36 EDT 2005

Centennials repay city, fans

<mailto:mdallacosta at lfpress.com>Morris Dalla Costa, Free Press Sports 
Columnist   2005-09-05 03:55:39

It was a final with no losers.

On a picture-perfect day for fastball, the St. Thomas Evergreen Centennials 
provided a picture-perfect ending by winning the Canadian men's fastball 
championship yesterday, repaying a city that embraced the tournament and 
the team. Some 35,000 fans attended, including about 3,500 for the final of 
the tournament that saw 13 teams participate and 67 games played.


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