[Alsfastball] Tri -County Fastball League

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Sep 12 00:00:03 EDT 2005

From: "Joe Todd" <ftode739 at rogers.com>
To: "'Al Doran'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Tri -County Fastball League
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 22:44:54 -0400

South Western Ontario

It is down to the last four teams standing in the Tri County Fastball 
league in both the "A" and "B" division

Competing for the "A" title will be the

1st Place Woodstock Kelseys (26-2) VS  the  2ND  Place Salford Storm (21-7)

On the "B" side will be

10th Place Windham Centre Wildcats(14-14)   VS the 13th Place Port Burwell 
Mariners  (7-21)

Both series will be a best of Five series

Be sure to stay tuned to the league website 
of  www.tri-countyfastball.org    and just hit the playoff page to get the
Dates and times of the games.

Joe Todd
<mailto:Ftode739 at rogers.com>Ftode739 at rogers.com

  Als Fastball List
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