[Alsfastball] Prawn Ruling - by Dean Holoien

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Sep 17 14:09:12 EDT 2005

Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 23:24:56 -0600
From: Dean Holoien <holer27 at sasktel.net>
Subject: Prawn Ruling


I like many of you have heard the results of the Prawn vote. I have no
hesitation in saying that this is the most ubsurd rule you could have
invented. The purpose for this email is not to ruffle feathers, which I am
sure it will. The purpose is to see who out there really agrees with this
decision. Player reps....I have a question. Are you in fact "player reps"?
Cause I know for a fact, that this Prawn rule did not stand a snowball's
chance in hell of passing, if all the players voted. I suspect that many of
the player reps forgot their title. Come on fellas...lets get serious here.
This rule...not only do you have to be a lawyer to figure it out, you are
penalizing players for getting allstar status! What if a player works 10
years in this sport....finally achieves allstar status...then his team
decides to fold. Does he stand a chance on playing on any of the top 10
teams in the country? Not a chance. What about the players who .....hmmm for
a lack of better words...play way above their heads..have a good week...they
become allstar status...many of them have just cut their own
throats...no...the ruling did! I am not sure if it is too late to reconsider
this ruling, but I suggest before this rule is carved in stone (maybe it has
been), the ISC should make a better effort to hear from their PLAYERS. Since
I first heard of the Prawn idea, I have spoken to a great deal of players
about. 2 players. 2 players have been in favor of it. It just so
happens...that those 2 players have a great deal of influence on how the
vote ended up. I challenge the ISC to broaden their research with respect to
the ruling. Ask the players. How many player reps are there? How many
players are there? I suggest that the player reps did not represent the
voice of the players. Those of you that voted in favor of the
ruling...perhaps some of the lower ranked clubs. How are you going to feel
when your star players are scooped by the top 10 or 15 teams? Its going to
happen. Thats a fact.

Players...I know your out there...I have spoken to many of you...Tell people
what you think. Maybe we waited too long. I for one, never believed the
ruling would fly. I guess I underestimated the power of those who wanted it
voted in. Someone needs to do something about this. And its you the players
that are going to have to voice your opinions. If the ISC hears from
everyone out there, and the vote is for the Prawn ruling..then so be it....I
can live with the result. But if you find the opposite, please listen to
your players. After all, its the players that play the game.


Dean Holoien

From: Dean Holoien <holer27 at sasktel.net>

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