[Alsfastball] Prawn Rule - Colin Abbott

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Sep 19 18:17:07 EDT 2005

Subject: Prawn Rule
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 10:19:27 -0500
From: "Abbott, Colin" <Colin.Abbott at investorsgroup.com>

I would like to ask one question regarding this Pawn Rule:

If this rule is designed to even out the talent so that the so called elite 
teams can't load up their rosters, why don't we go back to a double knockout?

We will now have so many even teams that a double knockout should work 
perfectly again. All 40 teams will be even and anybody can win!!! Or will 
we be able to field 40 teams now when the so called "elite" teams start 
looking for players who are not Prawns. These players will likely be hand 
picked from the up and coming teams, leaving the middle of the road teams 
without their best non-prawn players.

Nice rule fellas! You are heading in the same direction as the ASA. I think 
there were a grand total of 6 teams at the ASA this year. The rules they 
placed on imports sure worked well!

I echo the sentiments of Todd Martin and Dean Holeion. This rule is 
idiotic. The Player Reps act on their own without getting info. from the 
players. I'm not sure who my area rep is and I never had a vote. I spoke 
with Todd twatchman about it but he isn't my area rep. He just happens to 
be a teammate. Otherwise I didn't hear anything about it until the ISC.

With just a touch of sarcasism

Colin Abbott

From: "Abbott, Colin" <Colin.Abbott at investorsgroup.com>

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