[Alsfastball] Alternative to the PRAWN rule - Milt Michael

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 21 21:00:20 EDT 2005

From: "Milt Michael" <miltmich at telus.net>
To: "'Al Doran'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Alternative to the PRAWN rule
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 17:54:28 -0700

I'm sure the author(s) of the PRAWN rule had good intentions when they
crafted the new rule but as various scenarios and flaws emerge, I think
it best if we all recognize it as a bad idea and go back to the drawing

Ken Hackmeister expressed his displeasure with the fact that no one had
stepped up and offered an alternative - so here goes. This is my
interpretation of what the ISC and the game of fastpitch should do to
grow the game at all levels.

Funny thing, but the solution is right under our noses. The Out Of Area
(OOA) restriction has worked fairly well. The problem with OOA is that
the big money teams simply pay the relatively small fees and import
whoever they want.

If the fees were increased substantially, it would have an immediate
effect, while not hurting the teams who need to bring in the "ace" to
bolster their staff.

2006 OOA fees!

First import: $500
Second: $1,000
Third: $2,000
Fourth: $4,000
Fifth: $8,000
Sixth: $16,000
Seventh: $32,000
Eighth: $64,000
Ninth: $128,000
Tenth: $256,000

Here are 7 reaons why OOA works better than PRAWN

1. No politics involved.
2. It doesn't penalize a player for acheivment.
3. Promotes grass roots development.
4. Increases revenue to the ISC.
5. Helps fans identify with their "home team".
6. Easy to adminster.
7. It will level the playing field immediately.

I've had 3 ISC executives tell me the the OOA won't work because it will
hurt the small to mid market teams more than the big clubs. I'd like to
hear more about that issue. Who would be hurt? I suggest that for every
team that is hurt, there are scores who would be encouraged to compete.

If the tournament needs 40 teams to be viable, then we've got to take
serious steps to level the playing field.

Milt Michael

From: "Milt Michael" <miltmich at telus.net>

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