[Alsfastball] Experience a feature of White Sox training squad - women

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Oct 4 23:43:06 EDT 2005

Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 11:03:59 +1300
From: Vance <vance at vanf-graphics.co.nz>
Subject: Experience a feature of White Sox training squad

Experience a feature of White Sox training squad
Wednesday October 5th 2005

Twelve months out from the women's World Softball Championships, New 
Zealand Community Trust White Sox coach Mike Walsh has named an experienced 
training squad to prepare for the event to be staged in Beijing, China.

Walsh says now is not the time for experimenting and the key focus for the 
coming season will be to build the foundations for a successful assault on 
the world championships and secure a finish amongst the medals and 
automatic qualification for the 2008 Olympics.

With the world champs in mind Walsh says experience is going to be a key 
feature. In recent years the White Sox have had a busy international 
programme giving the players all important game time against some of the 
best players in the world.

Walsh says the team didn't achieve everything they set out to do last 
season with some results disappointing but he believes in the squad he has 
named and their ability to achieve success on the international stage.

"The crucial element now is to provide the players with the environment to 
build a greater belief in their own ability, and being able to use that at 
game time," said Walsh.

While there is an experienced feel to the squad named by Walsh there are a 
couple of newcomers to international softball. Auckland catcher Tania Misa 
has received her first White Sox call up as has Canterbury catcher Te 
Awhina Hewer. Also joining the squad is Auckland infielder Casey Roper, who 
is returning to the team having last played for the White Sox in 2001.

On the selection of Misa and Hewer, Walsh says both players have been in 
the long term thinking of the selectors for a number of seasons and this is 
their chance to force their way into the team and put pressure on the 
established players.

The squad of 24 will assemble in Wellington in November for the three day 
camp and Walsh says the focus of the weekend will be informing the athletes 
of what is ahead of them as preparations intensify ahead of the world champs.

"There is a lot of detail we want to go over about what the management team 
are planning and we also want to confirm the team objectives. Another key 
will be determining what is required from every member of the squad from 
athletes to management to achieve what we want to achieve," said Walsh.

Details of the playing programme for the White Sox in the 2005/06 season 
are still to be confirmed with options being considered including a South 
Pacific Series and tour of Australia.


Pitchers: Michelle Kingi (Counties), Carina Hale (Auckland), Michal 
Tangaroa (Hawkes Bay), Jessica Hau (Hutt Valley), Sheree Cartwright 

Catchers: Tania Misa (Auckland), Kiri Shaw (Hutt Valley), Cindy Potae (Hutt 
Valley) Te Awhina Hewer (Canterbury).

Infield: Fiona Timu (Auckland), Talilotu Tonu'u (Auckland), Casey Roper 
(Auckland), Upu Lote (Wellington), Kayo Marui (Hutt Valley), Lisa Kersten 

Outfield: Kalala Faalogo (Auckland), Zavana Aranga (Hutt Valley) Melisa Upu 
(Hutt Valley), Api Stone-O'Kane (Wellington), Togi Lote (Wellington), Nic 
Pouaka-Grego (Canterbury), Melanie Hulme (Canterbury).

Utilities: Ngamoko Hiku (North Harbour), Maleme Williams (Auckland),

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz at softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*   mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz

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