[Alsfastball] Season Wrap Ups Most Welcome Here!

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Oct 6 13:01:08 EDT 2005

Congratulations to Chris Wismer of the Union Storm


Dan Bernard of the Niagara Snappers

For taking the time to write up great "Season Wrap Ups" for their 
respective teams.

What a great idea!

Not much ball from here on in until spring, except for down under mostly so 
this kind of report is most welcome for fastball starved fans world wide - 
especially North American where we will soon be headed into fastball 
hibernation for a few months.

These two quality reports demonstrate just how far we have come in just a 
few short years.  When I started this list in 1995, it was because there 
was almost no other way to find out
where tournaments were being held,
what the results were.

Now, we have almost every serious men's team with at least one quality 
scribe who takes the time to write up their games, tournaments and now 
their year end wrap up!  THANK YOU, every one of you on behalf of a lot of 
fastball fans who appreciate your hard work!

So this is an open invitation to every serious men's fastball team out 
there to do the same - be it ISC, ISC II, NAFA, OASA, ASA, or whatever, 
send us your year end report.  Dan Bernard says it only takes 10 minutes to 
put a report together, so let's hear from ALL of you!

Next we will be watching for your announcement of who is on your team in 
2006 when you are ready for an official press release. until then, tid bits 
are welcome.

Yours in Fastball,

Al Doran

  Als Fastball List
*Email: fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball
    eScribe is down, and may be out


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