ISC 2006 Tournament Site Updated

Al Doran aldoran at
Thu Nov 17 16:03:27 EST 2005

Its that time of the year when we are getting regular updates on Tournament 
Announcements for men's fastball for 2006.

See them at:

Check back often, these are updated frequently.

Its is PREFERABLE that if you have a tournament to announce that you send 
it to Al's Fastball first so that we have a web site to link to - to show 
information about your tournament.

Please provide us with at least the basics of your tournament:

a. WHERE is it: City with State or Province

b. WHEN is it: the actual dates - example June 16-18, 2006

c. WHAT is it:  The NAME of the Tournament
                        Type of Tournament: is this for ISC, ISC II, senior 
men, masters, etc.
                        Is this an invitational tournament of any team can 
                        Entry fee costs $??
                        closing date

d. WHO to contact:  Name, e-mail address, and phone number.

e. OTHER information that may be of interest.

f.  SIGN your post to Al's Fastball with your real name and e-mail address.

Once your announcement has been received, it will be posted on
AND will be updated 
with a link back to your item on

AND, and this is a BIG AND, please remember to give us regular updates on 
WHO is going to be in your tournaments, WHAT TEAMS are coming, and an even 
BIGGER AND, please send us Your RESULTS of the tournament, who won, game by 
game, with the Winning and Losing pitchers; who got the big hits, awards, 
etc., the kind of stuff that all the fans out there want to know.
The job is not done until you send us all the results. The fans deserve 
this and so do the players who show up and play. A lot of people read this 
site including the mystery experts who rate the ISC and ISC II teams.



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