The ISC Forum - - Another Communication Tool for All

Al Doran aldoran at
Mon Dec 5 23:34:51 EST 2005

The ISC Forum - - Another Communication Tool for All

In a continuing effort to improve communication between the ISC
and players, managers and fans, we are announcing an experimental
forum from the ISC web site.  Internet forums are a very popular
service right now and there are numerous ones being used, most
based on geographical location.  

In offering our own forum from our own web site, we feel this
gives everyone a central forum on which they can submit ideas
and recommendations to the ISC.  Currently, if a good idea is
proposed on the Illinois site (for example) chances are the player
in Newfoundland will never see it.  And vice versa.	

The ISC forum is not designed to discourage use of other forums
but rather as a focal point for discussing mutual issues and
especially to get new ideas in the hands of ISC Board of Director
members who can evaluate, further discuss with the author or
pass it on to the proper ISC Committee chairman.

Our forum is intended to be functional, not just for entertainment
purposes.  ISC personnel will regularly monitor the forum for
both recommendations as well as propriety of postings.

This forum project was developed mutually by Al Doran and Jim
Flanagan.  We extend our sincere thanks to each of them for the
time and effort each has put into this project, bringing it to

With the new ISC forum, individuals now have three primary methods
of communicating ideas and thoughts directly with the ISC:
1.	Comments on the ISC Forum
2.	Submissions directly to any member of ISC Board of Directors
3.	Submissions directly to any ISC Player Rep

All ISC personnel are shown in the annual World Championship
Guide and at	
on the ISC web site.

Fastball news, announcements, information, and items of general
interest should be posted to Al’s Fastball, (fastball at
to ensure the widest distribution possible.  If you post a note
in the ISC Forum regarding such information, please include a
link to the official posting at Al’s Fastball Mailing List Archive 

		ISC Forum Guidelines	

What is a Forum?
An online discussion group, where participants with common interests
can exchange open messages
The ISC Forum
The ISC Forum is for fastball players and fans worldwide to discuss
men’s Fastball. There are guidelines below.
There are two separate sections in the ISC Forum, one for ISC
and one for ISC-II.  Within each of these sections, there will
be a variety of topics.
ISC Forum Moderators
We have enlisted moderators to assist with the administration
of the ISC Forum, and to respond to questions posed at the forum,
or forward to the appropriate person or persons for response.
 The names of the moderators will be listed at the board.
There are two separate forums, ISC and ISC II. Within each of
these forums there will be many topics, each related to that
specific forum.
To use the ISC Forum you must Register
The link to the ISC Forum is on the front page of the ISC page
at on the left side of the page
below the picture of the Guide Book. This will take you to the
Forum where you will find a “Register” button at the top of the
page. Please register using your actual email address and your
real name. Also please include your city, state/province, etc.
It is important to identify yourself when posting to a forum
that includes your friends in the game, fellow players, managers,
fans, etc. We recommend you set up a signature block with your
name, address, email address, and web site, if you have one.
 You can create this signature block right in the forum registration
 The look and the feel of the page will change somewhat over
the next few weeks but it is ready to use. Please read the ISC
Forum Guidelines carefully and by all means, please join into
the discussion.
In sum, the guidelines revolve around the golden rule, and can
be summed up as:  “No profanity and no personal attacks.”   These
guides will be posted at the ISC Forum as well.  They are provided
here for your reference.

ISC Forum Guidelines
Please read the following rules and guidelines carefully. By
proceeding to post you agree to these guidelines and must follow
them at all times. Refusal to follow these guidelines will result
in the appropriate responsive actions. 

Our Community Forum

We have implemented the following guide for using our community

All material posted or uploaded to the forum remains the property
of the original poster and the ISC is the licensed distributor
of such content. The administrators of this site reserve the
right without notice to access or view all such material (including
posts and profile information), to edit the subject of a post,
or to move, reclassify, or delete any post or other material
that is deemed inappropriate or disruptive, fails to conform
to these forum rules, or to ensure proper indexing and searchability.
Please note that, from time to time, topics may be removed for
being inappropriate even though your individual post in that
topic may have been perfectly fine. Please do not feel this reflects
badly on you.

Having fun is good. We like fun. Please keep it positive and

You may not make personal attacks on other users or staff members.

You may not use profanity. It is unprofessional and offensive
and will not be tolerated. We have word filters in place for
the most vulgar terms. Circumventing those word filters will
result in punitive action and may result in your being banned
from the forum.

You may not advertise or promote other companies or their products
which may compete with those of the ISC..

We reserve the right to ban any member who violates our guidelines
or disrupts our community. We will be fair and provide warning
in most cases.

If you have an issue concerning our services, policies or staff,
please use a personal contact method such as a private message
or email to a staff member. All moderators, administrators, and
support staff are listed on the forum board. We take serious
complaints to heart and will do our best to address them.

The Golden Rules 

1.	There will be no profanity or foul language. Any un-called
for language will be removed and you will receive a final warning.
2.	There will be no racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any
other personal discriminations. 
3.	There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member,
in a manner, which is offensive or inflammatory.   This applies
to posts about teams as well as individuals.
4.	Spamming is not permitted; please keep all your posts as constructive
as possible. 
5.	Pornography, warez, or any other illegal transactions may
NOT be linked in any shape or form.
6.	Users may not argue a moderators decision publicly. Any and
all complaints directed at a moderator must first address the
moderator in question via PM. If the problem cannot be resolved,
then the moderator and user must send their positions to the
forum admin. The forum admin will make or change any and/or all-final
7.	Pictures or graphic images should not be posted.  If you wish
to share a photo or image, please link the image.   
8.	Advertising, commercial-related or competing products are
all forbidden in any relation to your account except by explicit
9.	Remember to post in the correct forum. Take your time to look
at other topics and see where your topic should go. If your topic
is placed in the wrong forum, a moderator will move it.
10.	If a topic is recognized as being posted in the wrong forum,
or if the post is a violation of our guidelines then please contact
a moderator either via PM or the 'report post to moderator' feature;
please do not respond publicly to the member - a member of staff
will do what is required upon contact. Any person/s who attempt
to present themselves as a Moderator by posting negatively to
a member's topic (which has been posted in error and requires
locking or moving to another forum) will be sent a PM warning
and placed into moderation queue upon further actions.
11.	Any impersonation of a user within these forums, in any mode
of communication, is strictly prohibited and will result in a
12.	Linked and locked topics may be pruned regularly to reduce
page clutter. If you have a question about where your topic went,
please PM a Moderator or Administrator before starting a new
topic asking where it went, or posting a duplicate of the original
topic. We will be happy to provide you with a link to the new
location, or a reason why it was locked and/or removed. 
13.	If you are linking to external content, you should link directly
to that content. It is unacceptable to use link-thru systems
to mask the originating URL, and cases where this is found to
be happening may be edited or removed as appropriate.

Violation of any of these rules will result in consequences determined
on a case-by-case basis.

Thank you for visiting the ISC Forum Community board.  We hope
you enjoy your stay. 

December 6, 2005
Gordon Wise - - ISC Information Officer


Al Doran, CHRP
Phenix Management Int'l, 
10520 Yonge St.
Unit 35B, Suite 217
Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 3C7
(Office Phone: +1.416-505-6204
(Office Fax: +1.416-352-7456
*Email: aldoran at
 and and


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