Looking for a pitcher with Belgian background

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Dec 8 18:02:49 EST 2005

From: "Wout Cnops" <wout.cnops(at)telenet.be>
To: <fastball(@)pmihrm.com>
Subject: belgian pitcher
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 22:30:02 +0100


Received your contact details by Bill Billhouse who told me you would be 
able too 'help' us on below subject.

As a member of the Belgium National team we're also trying to compete with 
the best in Europe. Reason for this post is we are trying to find out if 
somewhere out there (US, Canada, Asia, whatsoever) we have a talented 
pitcher/player walking around - BUT with a belgian passport or at least 
some belgian background. Like the GB team are having Canadians and even 
Kiwi's playing for them at the Europeans - maybe in someway we have a 
belgian walking around who's willing to play for us at the European Champs 
2007 and maybe even the Worlds afterwards. If one of u reading has any 
further info one am issue - thanks to get in contact.

thank u very much in advance

Wout Cnops
Merksemheidelaan 52
2170 Merksem
0032 475/94.51.63
MSN: <mailto:woutcnops at hotmail.com>woutcnops(at)hotmail.com
WEB: http://www.brasschaatbraves.be

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