Top women seeds have point to prove - NZ

Al Doran aldoran at
Tue Dec 13 16:35:41 EST 2005

Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 10:23:37 +1300
From: Vance <vance(at)>
Subject: Top women seeds have point to prove

Top women seeds have point to prove
Wednesday December 14th 2005

When the finals series for the New Zealand Community Trust Women's National 
League was played out last season the Auckland team were nowhere to be seen 
having missed out on a place in the top four.

It is a different story this time around though with Auckland going into 
the top four playoffs this weekend at Hataitai Park, Wellington as the top 
seeds on the back of an unbeaten record in round robin play.

Auckland coach Nardi Leonard says this season in the national league has 
been all about setting the record straight and putting the disappointment 
of poor performances last season behind them.

Looking back at last season compared to the performances over recent weeks 
Leonard says the difference is the attitude of the players and their desire 
to succeed.

"There is a really positive attitude from the players and they want to 
perform well and there are quite a few in the picture for the NZCT White 
Sox and they know the world championships are just around the corner so 
they are putting in a lot of effort," said Leonard.

Despite their unbeaten record so far in the league Leonard is very aware 
that it counts for little this weekend.

"History means absolutely nothing and that is why consistency in 
performance is so important because every team in the finals series has the 
potential to take the title."

While Auckland may have their eye on the title, defending champions Hutt 
Valley are not ready to give it up without a fight. During round robin play 
the team from the Valley suffered two losses both against Auckland by the 
same 2-1 score line so there is not a lot between the two teams.

Hutt Valley will have the services of Jana Vacikova on the mound. The Czech 
Republic pitcher has been a bit of a surprise package in the national 
league having never pitched in New Zealand before.

Hutt Valley coach Naomi Shaw selected Vacikova sight unseen on the advice 
of others and that has turned out to be an inspired decision given her 
ability to deny runs.
The strength of Vacikova's pitching coupled with the hitting power of the 
likes of Upu Lote, Nadia Mauriohooho and Api Stone O'Kane Hutt Valley 
provides the potential to break the unbeaten record of Auckland.

Rounding out the top four are Wellington and Central Vikings who while 
having made the finals series have struggled during round robin play 
against the top two sides Auckland and Hutt Valley.

However round robin results count for little this weekend and both 
Wellington and Central Vikings will be looking to cause a few upsets and 
push hard for a spot in the final.

Both Wellington and Central Vikings have the hitting depth to cause an 
upset but will be relying heavily on the performance of their number one 
pitchers. Wellington have NZCT White Sox pitcher Lisa Such while Central 
Vikings will call on the services of fellow international Michal Tangaroa.

The battle for the NZCT Women's National League title gets under way on 
Saturday at Hataitai Park, Wellington with the top four sides playing off 
to find two sides to contest the final on Sunday afternoon at 12pm.

Finals Draw:

Saturday December 17th
11.00am Game 1  Auckland v Central Vikings, Hataitai Park, Wellington.
1.00pm  Game 2  Hutt Valley v Wellington, Hataitai Park, Wellington.
3.00pm  Game 3  Looser Game 1 v Looser Game 2, Hataitai Park, Wellington.
5.00pm  Game 4  Winner Game 1 v Winner Game 2, Hataitai Park, Wellington.

Sunday December 18th
10.00am Game 5  Winner Game 3 v Looser Game 4, Hataitai Park, Wellington.
12.00pm Final   Winner Game 4 v Winner Game 5, Hataitai Park, Wellington.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell(at)
* mailto:snz(at)

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
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