Over 150 subscribers now on ISC Forum

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Dec 17 16:46:44 EST 2005

Almost 160 subscribers as we approach 5pm in Toronto.

To subscribe, go to http://www.iscfastpitch.com/  and click on the "ISC 
Forum" link below the ISC Guide Book picture on the left side of the page 
and it will take you to the Forum.


When you register for this forum, we would appreciate it if you would 
follow these three simple rules:

1) use your own full name. (lower case, alloneword, e.g. johnsmith)
2) use an active email address
3) include your city/state/province (e.g. Miami, FL)

Those not following this format will be deleted.

If you are having trouble logging in - click the "Memberlist"  verify your 
user name. no spaces, no caps, no nicknames.



  Als Fastball List
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    fastball at pmihrm.com
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